Chest Pain And Back Muscle Pain. Some of the more common causes of upper back and chest pain include. Injury can occur due to things like accidents or falls.
Several muscles in the chest and upper back are used together while performing activities related to the upper body such as rowing throwing a ball lifting weights painting walls or washing windows. The chest pain may spread to your arm shoulder jaw or back. When one muscle becomes painful or stiff other nearby muscles may also become painful in response such as if they need to work harder.
The most significant of these muscles which may be mistaken for heart related pain are the pectoral muscles pectoralis major and minor and the intercostal muscles.
The most significant of these muscles which may be mistaken for heart related pain are the pectoral muscles pectoralis major and minor and the intercostal muscles. Sometimes muscular problems may cause pain in the chest and upper back. The most significant of these muscles which may be mistaken for heart related pain are the pectoral muscles pectoralis major and minor and the intercostal muscles. Injury can occur due to things like accidents or falls.