Pain In Chest And Back When Breathing And Pregnant. Stress can occur at any time during pregnancy and can manifest as various physical and mental disorders. In addition to muscle tension headache and back pain intense stress is also a common factor causing chest pain.
The cause is often heartburn or pressure as the growing uterus pushes against the organs in the chest cavity. A normal flu or cold can make you feel more under the weather during pregnancy. The respiratory system is also affected by pregnancy resulting in breathing changes and chest pain.
Though chest pain occurs more in the second and third trimester of pregnancy it could occur at any time depending on the cause.
Though chest pain occurs more in the second and third trimester of pregnancy it could occur at any time depending on the cause. Because of this people having a. This could be caused by indigestion gas or eating certain foods. Possible serious causes of chest pain while pregnant may include heart attack and blood clot.