Chest Pain Causes Bone Muscle Or Nerve Problems. Bone problems that cause chest pain the ribs and the sternum are the two bone areas most often associated with chest pain. It is most often caused by an injury to the bones joints muscles tendons ligaments or nerves.
Unfortunately in many cases that s as far as the doctor takes the diagnosis. Fractures of the bones of the thoracic cavity. Bone problems that cause chest pain the ribs and the sternum are the two bone areas most often associated with chest pain.
Sternum pain is usually caused by problems with the muscles and bones near the sternum and not the sternum itself.
Your chest is made up of many muscles bones. Your chest is made up of many muscles bones. Bone problems that cause chest pain the ribs and the sternum are the two bone areas most often associated with chest pain. Intercostal muscle strains are the most common cause of musculoskeletal chest pain which people often refer to as a pulled muscle.