Chest Pain And Back Pain At Night. Causes of chest and back pain that can cause pain while swallowing include pericarditis and aortic aneurysm if the aneurysm is pressing on the. The chest pain may be experienced from the neck to the upper abdomen.
Sometimes muscular problems may cause pain in the chest and upper back. It can cause pain in the chest or upper back. Causes of chest and back pain that can cause pain while swallowing include pericarditis and aortic aneurysm if the aneurysm is pressing on the.
Causes of chest and back pain that can cause pain while swallowing include pericarditis and aortic aneurysm if the aneurysm is pressing on the.
The most typical reasons for chest pain that occur while you are asleep include. Some other possible causes of chest and back pain include. Hi if chest pain is comong at night it could be secondary to acid reflux do you have heart burns or feel acid in your throat. The symptoms of sleep apnea include.