Chest Back And Neck Muscle Pain. A strained or pulled chest muscle may cause a sharp pain in your chest. If you ve been having new onset chest pain and notice it comes on only when you move your neck about this would suggest a muscle related cause.
A strained or pulled chest muscle may cause a sharp pain in your chest. You may experience pain in your sinuses forehead or near your eyebrows. A heart attack occurs when blood to the heart is cut off or severely reduced and the heart muscle is injured.
Usually the pain begins in the.
The neck may also hurt upon certain movements. In fact strained back muscles as in i threw my back out can cause chest discomfort when a person deeply inhales. Arthritis caused by inflammation of the joints and spinal column can cause pain in both the chest and neck. A heart attack occurs when blood to the heart is cut off or severely reduced and the heart muscle is injured.