Chest And Back Pain With Shortness Of Breath. However lung cancer can cause shortness of breath or chest pain. Shortness of breath is more likely to be a warning sign of covid 19 if it s accompanied by a fever cough or body aches.
A heart attack occurs when blood to the heart is cut off or severely reduced and the heart muscle is injured. However lung cancer can cause shortness of breath or chest pain. However if the cancer spreads to the bones it can cause.
The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle that separates the abdomen from the chest.
Although chest pain is a common symptom the dana farber cancer institute reports that 25 percent of people with lung cancer reported back pain as a symptom. A heart attack occurs when blood to the heart is cut off or severely reduced and the heart muscle is injured. Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect your back pain and shortness of breath are related to a heart attack. Abdominal bloating can affect the diaphragm causing shortness of breath.