Chest And Back Pain Right Side Of Body. Sometimes this digestive fluid hardens into stones which can cause pain. In fact chest pain on your right side typically isn t the result of.
Burning sharp or electric like pain that may worsen with movement possibly radiating pain along a rib from the upper back to the chest area stiffness in the shoulder chest and or upper back due to pain or muscle tightness which can reduce the ability to perform basic tasks such as getting dressed or driving. Your gallbladder is a small organ that stores a digestive fluid called bile. Pain on the right side a dull sharp or cramping pain in the upper right abdomen or right side of the back may indicate an issue with the gallbladder.
Some key stressors are work school or family and relationship problems.
Burning sharp or electric like pain that may worsen with movement possibly radiating pain along a rib from the upper back to the chest area stiffness in the shoulder chest and or upper back due to pain or muscle tightness which can reduce the ability to perform basic tasks such as getting dressed or driving. Sometimes this digestive fluid hardens into stones which can cause pain. Some key stressors are work school or family and relationship problems. Sometimes muscular problems may cause pain in the chest and upper back.