Chest And Back Pain In Night. Thoracic outlet syndrome is a condition where symptoms are produced from compression of nerves or blood vessels because the passageway through the neck and armpit is inadequate. Repetitive use or overuse of multiple muscle groups for example through activities such as rowing can lead to aching pain.
Repetitive use or overuse of multiple muscle groups for example through activities such as rowing can lead to aching pain. Causes of chest and back pain that can cause pain while swallowing include pericarditis and aortic aneurysm if the aneurysm is pressing on the. Pain during or after eating.
Chest and back pain that occurs during or after eating may be a symptom of one of the following digestive conditions.
Thoracic outlet syndrome is a condition where symptoms are produced from compression of nerves or blood vessels because the passageway through the neck and armpit is inadequate. Causes of chest and back pain that can cause pain while swallowing include pericarditis and aortic aneurysm if the aneurysm is pressing on the. Symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome include neck shoulder and arm pain and numbness or impaired circulation to the extremities. Repetitive use or overuse of multiple muscle groups for example through activities such as rowing can lead to aching pain.