Chest And Back Pain From Asthma. This pain might be due to the coughing and wheezing associated with asthma. The answer is however that the exact connection between back pain and asthma though documented cannot readily be explained at this time in medical history.
This pain might be due to the coughing and wheezing associated with asthma. According to the mayo clinic if you experience unexplained chest pain lasting more than two minutes it is better to seek medical help than to try to figure out the cause on your own. Back pain and tightness is a common complaint among asthma sufferers.
Chest pain prior to asthma attacks.
It can be caused by asthma allergies anxiety gastrointestinal reflux and it can also be cardiac related. This can lead to chest tightness pressure. Back pain and tightness is a common complaint among asthma sufferers. Chest pain is kind of a generic symptom and can refer to anything from a tickling or burning sensation or actual pressure tightness or pain in your chest.