Chest And Back Pain At Night When Lying Down. Chest pain often occurs at night because that is when you are lying down. The various causes of chest wall pain may aggravate when lying flat especially when prone lying on the stomach chest.
Greater force is applied on the chest when lying flat even if a person does not lie on the affected part. This pain may become worse while breathing deeply lying down or swallowing. Other causes to consider include breastbone pain sternum and collarbone pain clavicle.
A tight or burning pain in the middle chest and upper abdomen that occurs while lying down may be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease gerd.
This pain may become worse while breathing deeply lying down or swallowing. The various causes of chest wall pain may aggravate when lying flat especially when prone lying on the stomach chest. Injury to the chest wall. If the muscles and bones of your chest wall have been strained or injured in some way any type of movement of your torso can cause pain.