Burning Nerve Pain In Chest And Back. When any of the discs move out of their position it can cause compression of the nerves and subsequent irritation which may result in burning pain. Sometimes muscular problems may cause pain in the chest and upper back.
Autonomic nerve damage may produce the following symptoms. 1 similarly back pain is caused due to very reasons such as strained muscles muscles spasms muscles tension damaged disks injuries fractures etc. When the nerves around the chest and back area get affected or inflamed then that may also cause burning chest and back pain.
Sometimes muscular problems may cause pain in the chest and upper back.
Similarly degeneration within the costovertebral joint where the rib meets the thoracic spine could pinch an intercostal nerve and cause pain along the rib. Similarly degeneration within the costovertebral joint where the rib meets the thoracic spine could pinch an intercostal nerve and cause pain along the rib. Disorders affecting nerves typically produce pain that feels like a burning sensation. There are various reasons why a patient feels chest pain which include heartburn angina anxiety heart attack etc.